Manifold Valley - Peak District Walk
Sunday 19th February 2006
A walk in mist with a cold breeze that resulted in this walk being cut short after we had stopped for lunch. We were also unfortunate enough to come across, with another couple of walkers, the farmer who likes to put electric fences and barbed wire across signed footpaths so all in all not a great day out.
Start: Weag's Bridge car park (SK 0999 5424)
Route: Weag's Bridge - Wetton - Back of Ecton - Ecton Hill (TP) - Wetton Mill - Manifold Valley - Weag's Bridge
Distance: 6.5 miles Ascent: 377 metres Time Taken: 4 hrs
Weather: Misty and cold to start. clearing in the afternoon.
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None
Thor's Cave from the Manifold Valley, although we were to walk up the valley in front of it
the wind was too cold to tempt us to visit the cave.
Looking back towards a misty Manifold Valley from the unnamed valley in front of Thor's Cave.
The distinctive Wetton Hill is to the right of this picture.
The route up to the top of Ecton Hill is clearly visible as the mist starts to lift.
The hamlet of Ecton, in the Manifold Valley, from the top of Ecton Hill.
Looking back along the Manifold Valley, near to Wetton Mill.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023